Write jokes and Get paid

Were you always the jokester in school/college? Can you easily make people laugh without even trying very hard? Then why not publish your jokes online, who knows it may become viral through WhatsApp, Facebook. And someday you’ll get it from any of your friend, family member or colleague and you get to tell them that its your joke. Wouldn’t that be funny and proud moment at the same time 🙂 😉

Get paid for your funny jokes 😉

You must be thinking there is very less chance of becoming viral, why should you put if so much effort whose result is hanging in so much probability. So let me tell you, there one such unique platform (TheJokeHub.com)  which pays you for each of your jokes. I have never thought that any such platform would be there which is so unique in its concept as well as pays you for making other people laugh on your jokes. What more can you want when you are also getting monetary benefits while spreading happiness and joy on others faces.

But remember one thing, you can’t simply copy paste others jokes and earn free money without efforts. There is one approval process which checks your submitted jokes if it is copied one or not and if your joke gets approved then only you’ll get paid for your own authentic joke.

How to join this unique platform?

Those who are just naturally funny people, it can be a great routine to mix up those jokes and one liners and get them out there on TheJokeHub.com. You can do it all from your computer and make good amount of money doing so too. You can register with following simple steps.

  1. You can click on “Add Joke” button on their website. It will redirect you to sign up page.

2. You can fill the form with your details and click on “Signup” button. Then you’ll get success message as ” Verification mail has been sent on your email”.

3. Check your mail inbox, you would have got one mail from info@thejokehub.com as following.

4. Click on “Complete My Registration” button and you’ll get success message as “Your email is successfully verified
You can login now”.
5. Now you can login with your email id and password. On successful login, you’ll get to see Dashboard Page as following.

Under Guide Lines page, you’ll get to see all answers regarding how your jokes gets approval and related query answers.

Currently they don’t have mobile app, but you may get in future too. So what are you waiting for register now and submit your own funny jokes and start earning passive money. You can give treat to your friends by making fun of them and posting on TheJokeHub 😉

Payment Process

If you have noticed in “Sign Up” page it is clearly mentioned that you’ll get 1Rs per approved joke. You can get the payment within 7-10 days via Paytm or Bank Transfer which is more preferable to you and minimum payout would be 50Rs.

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Jeh Kumar is a veteran of creating and managing digital content to build relationships for organizations and individuals.

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