When Can We Expect The Title of Avengers 4 To Be Revealed?

Avengers: Infinity War is still making history every day it runs in a theatre. People were totally satisfied with the movie as it was worth the wait, and the end blew everyone away, leaving an impact that will not go away until the next year. There are just 10 months left before we finally get to see the culmination of the MCU till now, which will be through Avengers 4.

Marvel has literally cast a spell on the audiences that only makes them see Avengers 4 and nothing past that. As we all know that the two Phase 3 Avengers movies were earlier named Avengers: Infinity War Part I & Part II, but they were changed to Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Untitled. The saying was that the two movies are so drastically different that they had to keep different titles and the reason why we don’t know the title for Avengers 4 till now is because it would have been a massive Spoiler for Avengers: Infinity War.

So, Marvel is taking their time, and they will come with the reveal a little after the sales of Avengers: Infinity War Bluray are midway. So many people have tried to decipher this mega mystery of the MCU. Right after Avengers: Infinity War started playing in the theatres, the title predicted by the fans and even teased in Infinity War came to be Avengers: Endgame. Out of the many predictions out there, this is the title that actually got the most traction online. One of the other prominent title predictions was Avengers: Reassembled.

But neither of these have been confirmed, nor will they actually be the titles of the upcoming movie. Recently an unknown source leaked the title which was supposedly revealed at CineEurope. The word was out claiming that the title of Avengers 4 will actually be of two words like Infinity War and the initials are going to be F and H, which will make the title something like Avengers: F…. H….

Then an image got leaked which is probably not official, displaying a title which may actually be true, but would most likely be a hoax! As you can see, the title here is said to be Avengers: Fallen Heroes, but this hasn’t been confirmed by anyone at Marvel Studios. Even though Fallen Heroes does seem to be a good title and it also succumbs to the statement of revealing certain spoilers for Infinity War, it still doesn’t seem to be that big.

Recently, Tom Holland sort of gave away the title for Spider-Man 2 which is Spider-Man: Far From Home. Marvel studios outright confirmed that. So, if the confirmations for titles happen so soon, we can be certain that Fallen heroes is not a title, and the real title is yet to be revealed. It may not even have F & H as initials.

For those of us worried about the title of the movie, Kevin Feige has given us a time frame that states when Marvel would announce the title of the movie. Talking to Collider recently, the president of Marvel Studios, Kevin Feigi confirmed that the official title of Avengers 4 will come out towards the end of the year. Here’s what he said:

“That’ll be after the Captain Marvel teaser probably, announcing that title. It’ll be towards the end of the year with however we launch that film.”

captain marvel powers

Well, Feige also gave us a time frame for the first trailer of Captain Marvel. Here’s what he said:

“I think there’s still a few months on it. You already know as much as you need to. We’ve got Skrulls, we’ve got the Kree, it takes place in the 90s, you have Sam Jackson with two eyes and Carol Danvers, a unique telling of Carol Danvers origin story. We are about two weeks out from completion of principal photography.”

avengers 4

So if the trailer for Captain Marvel is going to take about 2-3 months, then the reveal for Avengers 4’s official title is obviously going to take a little longer than that according to what Feige said. He mentioned that it may come out with the first trailer or Marketing stint of Avengers 4 when they launch the film. That may be till November or December. So we will have to patiently wait for about 5 more months to get to know about the title.

Avengers 4 comes out on May 3, 2019.

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