Unleash your superpowers with the help of Dream11 Guru

In this modern era of the 21st century where we have a separate universe of superheroes like Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) popularly known as Marvel Universe, DC Comics. These two franchises have made superheroes and their superpowers much more hyped and fantasy for most of the millennial as we get to watch superhero movies (Origin story, Sequels) within 1-2 months interval. If anything else is giving tough conditions to the craze of superheroes is the unparalleled love for sports like Cricket, Football, Hockey, Kabaddi, NBA. These sports are followed by people with lots of passion and watched in groups with friends, the family at home or clubs with match prediction and analysis by Dream11 Guru. Before the start of the match, there would be lots of discussion going on among people regarding team combinations, match prediction, who would be the key players. You would be going with your gut feeling and some would be going with previous match results, logic, analysis and stuff.

Once the result comes out as you have predicted, it would be like a moment of glory. If this happens regularly you would start to think that your intuitions are going correct and you have the superpower of future match prediction (The Dream11 Guru) as if you may have watched the match in future by time-travel or quantum time leap.

Like most superhero movies, if our beloved superhero doesn’t have in-born superpowers they can earn or yield the superpower with their sheer determination and going against all odds trusting own instincts. So you can also earn your superpower of being the Dream11 Guru with the help of FanCode which provides you with the required match previews, Predicted XI, Match Analysis, etc.


What are you waiting for! Fantasy leagues are the new trend as it is a place where you get to involve along with your friends by selecting your predicted XI. It is as close as to playing the match as a coach/manager or as captain because you select the team as per your instinct and analysis.

Following are some key benefits of playing fantasy leagues:

  1. Critical Thinking/ Decision Making: There are many mental benefits to critical thinking such as saving time, enhanced communication skills, and an increased appreciation of differing world views. Like, for example, trying to figure out why your friend selected one player over another good player. You’ll get lots of suggestions, expert opinions; but finally, you would have to make decision-based on the available data.
  2. Camaraderie: Technology has definitely helped people become more isolated, but the fantasy league is one technological activity that actually improves social interaction and friendships. Fantasy matches involve a lot of social interaction that often includes countless phone conversations with friends about player selection, proposed trades and most importantly, why your team is better than everyone else’s team.
  3. Competition: Allowing yourself to feel your competitive feelings cleanly and directly is not only acceptable; it is actually healthy. Competitive feelings are an indication of what we want, and acknowledging what we want is key to getting to know ourselves better. Don’t suppress your competitive feelings, channel them through your fantasy league and your brain will thank you for it. Just remember to keep the trash talk relatively civil.

What are you waiting for! Unleash your superpower with help of dream11 guru and you can earn money by playing fantasy matches on various platforms like Dream11 for various sports like cricket, Football, Hockey, Kabaddi, NBA.

Do let us know in the comments section about what other superpowers you would like to have and how you would like to use it.

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