Top Ten Popular Indian Youtubers Including Rj Vashishth

  1. Bhuvam Bam

Bhuvam Bam is a famous Indian Youtuber. He has millions of subscribers on her youtube channel BB Ki Vines. He regularly posts content on his channel that is mainly based on comedy or humor. Bhuvam is not only a comedian but a good singer also.

  1. Sandeep Maheshwari

Sandeep Maheshwari is a great motivational Speaker of India. He has millions of viewers on his youtube channel from all over the world. He is a Founder and CEO of which is one of the popular image sites.

He started Youtube channel just to motivate the youth. He is popular because of his Life Changing seminars.

  1. Carry Minati

Carry Minati is an Indian Youtuber. He started his youtube channel in a very young age. He is a funny and clever person who targets trending persons to make fun of them. He lives in Faridabad with his family and his real Name is Ajay Nagar.

  1. Technical Guruji

Gaurav Chaudhary is a mind behind a famous Youtube Channel Technical Guruji. He is a Popular Indian Youtuber. He posts regular content on technology in Hindi. Chaudhary is an Engineer. He has millions of subscribers and viewers.

  1. Ashish Chanchlani

Ashish Chanchlani is a popular Indian Youtuber. He is famous for his funny vines. He has many fan following. Initially, he worked with the platform Vine. But later he started his own Channel with the name Ashish Chanchlani Vines.

  1. Amit Bhadana

Amit Bhadana is another popular Youtuber. He creates content that is categorized into Funny Vines. He has many followers who like his videos. His main focus of creating videos is to make people laugh.

He also has millions of followers like Buvam Bam and comes in the list of top Indian Youtubers.

  1. Harsh Beniwal

Harsh Beniwal is another top Indian Viner. He started his youtube channel in the year 2015. In these three years, he did a lot of hard work for his channel. This is the reason behind his successful Youtube Channel.

There are many fan followers of this young Youtuber.

  1. Anisha Dixit

Anisha Dixit, popularly known by her youtube Channel, Rickshawali. She is a popular Vlogger and also a comedian. Nowadays, she posts content on topics like relationships, love, struggles of women, and many more. She is a hardworking girl who believes to “NEVER GIVE UP”.

  1. Rj Vashishth

RJ Vashishth is another famous Youtuber. He is a storyteller and a radio jockey in Radio Mirchi. He has many fan followers which is growing day by day. He posts content about relationship, love. He has lakhs of viewers on her youtube channel. His real Name is Vashishth Thakkar and is running a Youtube channel with the name RJ Vashishth.

  1. Nisha Madhulika

Nisha Madhulika is a famous Youtuber. She is a 51-year-old lady who is very interested in cooking. She posts content to teach cooking to people. Before starting Youtube channel, she started a blog in 2007 which also got a hit in less time.

Her husband supported her in making a blog and a youtube channel. And now today she has a team to help her.

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