Surge in India’s Medical Sector makes it the World’s foremost Medical Hub

India has emerged as one of the leading healthcare providers in Asia. The country offers the best medical treatments at affordable costs.

When it comes to the medical sector, India has emerged as one of the leading healthcare providers in Asia. The country offers the best medical treatments at affordable costs. Advancement in its medical technology has saved countless lives and enhanced patient care to a great extent. This has established India as the world’s foremost medical tourism in India destination. Development in this sector has also enhanced the country’s global stature.

At present, Delhi, Mumbai, Andhra Pradesh and the NCR are among the most-established medical hubs in the country. Various factors have contributed in widening the horizons of the country’s medical tourism in India industry. The low cost of treatment, in comparison to other countries, is certainly one of major factors. Majority of the people travelling to Asia for medical treatment end up in India because of this factor. Apart from this, the skill of health experts, availability of state-of-the-art medical technology and top-notch hospitals have played a major role in making India as the one-stop global healthcare destination.

Going by the same pace, the country’s medical tourism sector is likely to increase manifold by 2020. Explaining about the substantial increase in the scope of medical tourism in India, leading entrepreneur Sanjay Dalmia stated, “Medical tourism in India is a growing sector in India, we see a huge potential in this sector. In October 2015, India’s medical tourism sector was estimated to be worth $3 billion. It is projected to grow to $7-8 billion by 2020.”

“We believe not just our country but the entire world can benefit with the growth of this sector. Healthcare is a necessity for an individual. It is a part of the basic infrastructure we require to sustain and develop a healthy society and nation,” he added.

Realizing the potential, the proponents of medical tourism in India set their foot into what they deemed as the future of healthcare sector in our country. Sanjay Dalmia forayed into medical tourism in India with his healthcare division, Dalmia Healthcare. Based on a similar approach, various companies in India have entered into this sector, either unearthing a whole new domain or filling the gaps in the already existing ones.

Dalmia looks forward to cater to the healthcare needs, and offer every possible medical treatment consultation to patients all over the world. At present, Dalmia Group, Dalmia Healthcare offers the best Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines at subsidized prices. It is currently managing a growing portfolio of 83 quality hospitals and nursing homes, as well as 496 doctors and 23 diagnostic centres.

“We want India to become the number one country in healthcare products and services. To fulfil this dream, I would like to encourage our youth and people in the related industry, such as tourism to join me in this mission. We are looking forward to creating a strategic alliance with a trusted partner who can facilitate in bringing patients from Iran, Afghanistan, the Middle East, Europe including Spain, Mauritius, the US and other countries,” says Sanjay Dalmia.

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