Social Media Marketing For Boring Businesses

If you are an internet marketer, don’t blame us if we automatically assume that you have set hundreds and thousands of Twitter or Facebook accounts for their clients

If you are an internet marketer, don’t blame us if we automatically assume that you have set hundreds and thousands of Twitter or Facebook accounts for their clients and probably all of those profiles are dormant. In most cases, these profiles have 10 to 15 followers and a couple of posts with no creativity involved. So, it is no wonder why a good number of people find these profiles extremely boring. Before you even try to take social networking as a full-time job, you need to accept that social networking is all about networking and interaction.

If you are not actively trying to INTERACT with your followers or friends you are missing the point completely. Sure, posting your latest blog post is good, but it’s not going to really engage anyone unless you have thousands and thousands of targeted followers already clicking. Here are some tips to get things moving.

Pinterest, Pinterest….Pinterest
Pinterest is new, but oh so hot. Now I’m not specifically talking about using Pinterest for Pinterest’s sake. I’m suggesting you use Pinterest to post thought evoking images on your Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus pages. An example would be if you are a marketing company, posting ridiculous pictures of Google are one way to get other marketers’ interest. Also try posting images of recent news that other people also feel strongly about. This will get your followers and friends interacting as well as sharing your content.

Surveys, Contests and Promotions
Remember in school when your teacher would yell at you for not participating? Well try yelling at your followers and friends for not participating on your page. We’re partly kidding, don’t yell at them. Encourage them to participate in your pages surveys, contests and promotions with little rewards. Offer them discounts on products, free small merchandise etc. A contest example would be “whoever shares our page / post and gets the most likes wins”. This is just another great way to get friends and followers sharing and promoting.

Stop Talking and Start Listening
Social Networking is pretty awesome for market research. Start asking your friends and followers what they want. I.E New services, products, product changes and more. Here are some example concepts of market research questions in dry format.

    • What do you like about xyz service or product?
    • What don’t you like about xyz service or product?
    • What can we add to xyz service or product to make it better?
    • What new products would you like to see?
    • How is our customer service experience for you?

Remember, when you decide to ask these questions you may not always get the answers you want. But it is important to address your customer concerns and make adjustments to truly improve your products and services.  DO NOT BE AFRAID of negative posts or responses on your networking sites. Show that your company has integrity by not ignoring these customers. Of course, if you need help managing your social media, we can do it for you.

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