Schedule & Get Massage from Physiotherapist! Heal Your Pains with Electric Shock

This electrical stimulation method for pain control has been in use since the Rome period 63AD. Long ago, this method is used to relieve headaches and other pains.

Have you ever caught out by the electric field? If you went through it, you may feel the sensation of sudden shock or feel pain after the sharp pins or needles. Well, of course, it is not the complete treatment to heal people illness but believe it or not, this technique too helps people to relieve some pain in their tissue and to balance their symptoms.

Electro Physiotherapy Equipment

This electrical stimulation method for pain control has been in use since the Rome period 63AD. Long ago, this method is used to relieve headaches and other pains. Even Benjamin Franklin gave gone through it and he was the great supporter of this method of pain relief. From then on, this method is used in various medical care centers to relieve people’s pain with the help of advanced medical equipment. Electro physiotherapy equipment is one of the devices that use electrical signals that help to relieve pain by processing the transmission of neural pain signals to the brain. This equipment involves the use of equipment where it gives more relief than the other types of medical treatments.

When is Electro physiotherapy equipment used?

Nowadays, Electro physiotherapy equipment is used widely around the world for the variety of symptoms among people follows,

  • Arthritis
  • Low back pain
  • Labour pain
  • TMD
  • Complications associated with Diabetes
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Nerve-related pain such as phantom pain

How does Electro physiotherapy equipment work?

These electrotherapy devices offer various waveforms for therapy. This device includes electrodes which are stick to the affected area to get treated. When the devices are activated, the electrical energy from the Electrotherapy Equipment Physiotherapy causes the muscles and tissues to shrink or to expand. This process impacts the body’s natural movement during activity and thus helps to prevent muscular pains

Most common waveforms found in Electrical Physiotherapy Equipments are,

  • TENS
  • Russian,
  • Interferential,
  • Premodulated,
  • Biphasic,
  • High Voltage and
  • Microcurrent

Each waveform benefits in many ways to relieve pain for the people, but the devices must be properly used by the professional practitioner in order to find the perfect solution for the symptoms.

Benefits of using Electrical Physiotherapy Equipments

Electrical stimulation with the help of this equipment is done in order to heal muscle pain and tissue generation. Here are given some of the benefits that can be achieved by this kind of treatment methods,

  • Relaxation of muscle spasms
  • Prevention of muscular atrophy due to disuse
  • Improved local blood circulation and flow
  • Preserve and improve tissue movement
  • Reduction of pain
  • Prevention of deep vein thrombosis post-surgery
  • Facilitation of wound healing

In the earlier stages of pain symptoms, 5 to 10 minutes of this method of treatment will show the greater effect on the patient. But for the worst cases, it is necessary to go through 20 to 30 minutes of treatments. Seek the Experts in Physiotherapist and if you are suitable to go through the method, make use of this method to relieve pains and be well.

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