Learn How to Convert Outlook Express DBX to PST Manually – Top Free Methods

Learn how to Convert DBX to PST with Outlook Express Converter software. The article explains top free methods to export Outlook Express to Outlook.

Outlook Express is the desktop-based email program store email content in DBX mailbox. For accessing and experiencing better email opportunity, most of the Outlook Express user want to upgraded to Outlook on latest Windows operating system. The article explains all the top methods which can be helpful in migrating from Outlook Express to Outlook with complete data. The blog also suggested Outlook Express Converter software to convert Outlook Express DBX to PST, EML, MSG and MBOX file format. So that after conversion user upgrade hasextensive list of choices.

Why Outlook Express user attracting to Microsoft Outlook? – Revealing Secret

There are multiple reasons due to which Outlook Express user looking for the opportunity to migrate from Outlook Express to Microsoft Outlook 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 and so on. Some of the reasons are listed here.

  1. Due to upgrading of Windows operating system, Microsoft Outlook Express is no longer supported or is replaced by Windows Live Mail
  2. Outlook Express become obsolete as per the latest advancement in science and technology.
    The depleting performance of Outlook Express is one of the major reason for the migration of Outlook Express to Microsoft Outlook.

Top Free Methods to Convert DBX to PST & Migrate to Microsoft Outlook From Outlook Express

The Top Free Methods Includes Manual Solution for the conversion of Outlook Express DBX files to Outlook PST The manual solution to convert DBX to PST seems to very easy and simple in the first look. But originally, it is difficult to implement manual method to convert Outlook Express DBX files to Outlook PST. There are two solutions to import DBX file into Outlook PST. First one is, when both Outlook and Outlook Express are installed on different systems. Second one is, when both Outlook and Outlook Express are installed on the same system. Let us see the above two mentioned methods in detail: In the first method, copy the store folder of Outlook Express into a new system. After that, import the Outlook Express .dbx files to Windows Live Mail. In the last, export the Windows Live Mail data to Outlook PST. In the second method, select File menu and click on Import and Export button. Now, choose Import Internet Mail from the Import and Export Wizard. Finally, open Outlook Express and import all the messages and check the completion process.

Challenges Faced While Using Manual Approach to Convert DBX to PST

Go through the below disadvantages of the manual method to convert DBX file to Outlook PST. Some of them are described below: 1. This manual approach is very long and time-consuming 2. Proper technical knowledge is required during conversion process 3. MS Outlook Express cannot be accessed by Windows 10/ 8/ 7 users 4. Outlook application cannot run Outlook Express DBX files. 5. Even a single wrong step might bring your data in danger.

Professional Solution to Convert Outlook Express DBX files to PST – Outlook Express Converter

As we have seen there are so many solutions to perform conversion from DBX to PST file manually but it has some limitations. Therefore, it is highly recommended to take help of a reliable and most trusted solution Outlook Express Converter. Some advanced features of the tool are mentioned below:

  1. Allows to export DBX files into PST, EML, MBOX or MSG format
  2. Convert bulk DBX files into PST to preserve the folder hierarchy
  3. No need to install MS Outlook during DBX to PST Conversion
  4. View DBX file emails in different styles along with attachments
  5. Supports both windows and MS Outlook including 32/ 64 bit

Steps of Run Outlook Express Converter to Convert DBX Files to PST

Here are few steps to run Outlook Express Converter tool, which are listed below:

  1. Download and Install Outlook Express Converter tool on your desktop
  2. Then, add multiple DBX files which are to be exported to Outlook PST
  3. Using the File option import Outlook Express DBX file simultaneously and select the folder option for moving all the DBX file in a folder.
  4. Next, click on the Export option to begin the conversion process and choose the desired folder to transfer into PST file
  5. Once the Export process is done, click the OK button and now, the software will generate the Export Report.

Let’s Wrap Up

After considering some of the basic reasons, users want to switch from Outlook Express to PST file. Therefore, in this blog, we have discussed two manual approaches, but they are quite lengthy. Thus, to overcome those glitches, we suggest a professional solution, namely Outlook Express Converter. It is designed in such a way to import .dbx file from Outlook Express to Outlook effortlessly. Along with this, we have learned and covered the essential process steps of the software in an absolute way.

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