Kevin Feige Opens Up About Marvel’s Plans Post Avengers 4

Avengers Infinity War recently hit the theatres and it knocked it out of the park. It is the culmination of ten years of MCU spanning 18 movies, all leading up to the epic showdown between Avengers assemble and Mad Titan Thanos. Well, the fever is somewhere gone but a new anxiety has gripped fans regarding what the future holds for MCU after Avengers 4 is over.

There is a lot of time to probe answers to this question, but still fans are latching into every small detail spilling from the Marvel camp. Till now, Marvel head Kevin Feige has been quiet, diplomatic and going in circles whenever someone asks him about the MCU Phase 4. Here’s what he has said till now:

“I think you look at the comics as a guide, although some titles get rebooted or re-launched, the narrative exist on a never-ending continuum”.

“Avengers 4 bring things you’ve never seen in superhero films: a finale. There will be two distinct periods. Everything before Avengers 4 and everything after. I know it will not be in ways people are expecting. That’s partially because the Marvel contracts with the actors who play them, Evans (Captain America), Ruffalo (Hulk), Downey (Iron Man), Johansson (Black Widow), Hemsworth (Thor), and Renner (Hawkeye), are coming to an end.”

He said that Marvel would rather focus on winding down Phase 3 first before talking about phase 4. He said:

“I think it is overdue. I also think that [Infinity War] was a particular event to really announce and showcase Phase Three and I guess set up the expectation of doing something like that every few years… But the notion we are sitting here talking and we have, what, six films yet to be released? That’s more than almost any other single production entity in town has on the docket. That should be enough.”

He added: “Well, all I’ll say is the films we are working on now — which take us through to the Avengers Untitled in May of ’19 — that’s really all we are focusing on. And we are focusing on bringing, by that point, an unprecedented, 22-movie, continuous shared fictional narrative to a conclusion in a satisfying way.”

He finally said “Marvel Studios has a new direction filled with “good stories” beyond Phase 3. How we start anew and wherever we go beyond that is a story for another time. This is really about 10 years on, bringing something to a head in a satisfying and unexpected way.”

Recently, Kevin Feige was again asked about Marvel’s plans after Avengers 4 is wrapped up. He didn’t go into details but he revealed that the studio takes one series at a time. He said:

“Between Captain Marvel finishing in two weeks, Spider-Man starting in two weeks, Avengers 4 post getting underway right now, releasing this movie… [Ant-Man and the Wasp] That’s keeping us busy over the next year”.

2018 is one of the biggest years in the history of MCU. Firstly, Black Panther came out and set the box office on fire with over $1.5 Billion in total box office collections. It has won several MTV awards in various categories and is now a cultural phenomenon. Secondly, it was followed by the highest grossing superhero movie of all times ‘Avengers Infinity War’ which redefined MCU and comic-book genre as a whole. Thirdly, Ant-Man and the Wasp is yet to come and is expected to continue the winning streak of Marvel.

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But 2019 could be even bigger and grander. It will begin with Captain Marvel solo movie i.e Marvel’s first female superhero venture touted to be one hell of a ride only to be followed by the most anticipated superhero movie of 2019 (probably ever) is Avengers 4 that will mark the end of MCU Phase 3. And the year wouldn’t end there as immediately Phase 4 will kick in and the first two movies will be Spider-Man: Far From Home and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

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