How To Do Keyword Research For SEO – Complete Beginners Guide

It all begins with the words which you typed into a search box.

Let me tell you that keyword research is one of the most valuable, Important and the highest return activities in the search marketing field. The ranking of the right keywords for your website will give a huge break to your website. By doing the research into your market’s keywords demand, you can’t learn the that which term or which phrase you want to target with the help of SEO but with this, you must have to learn more about your customers as a whole.

It is not the thing about getting visitors to your site, on the other hand, it is about getting the right visitors towards your site. The usefulness of this intelligence can’t be overstated here but also with the keyword research you can easily predict the shifts in demand, you can able to respond to the changing marketing conditions and you can easily produce the services, products and also the content that the web searchers were actively looking for that.

So, without wasting time Let’s Start…

What Is Keyword Research?

What is Keyword Research,

Keyword research is what peoples use the keywords to find and research for the actual search term that peoples will put into the search engine bar and search that particular term. The knowledge about the actual search terms which can help you in forming the content strategy or the marketing strategy overall.

Today in this article I will be going to lay out the keyword research process which you can also follow to help you which will come up with and also narrow down the list of the terms which you should be targeting.

In this way, you will easily be able to establish and execute the strong keyword strategy that can help you in getting found of the search terms which you actually cares about.


Here Are The Top 5 Ways To Do An Keyword Research For An SEO :

  1. Seed Keywords Are Must

Seed Keywords are must,

Do you know that seed keywords are one of the best and the big ones than all the other keywords stem from? You can also think of them as like the patriarchs of the all keyword family. The learning of your seed keywords is really easy and you can easily do this. Your seed keywords are  ( Which is usually pretty simple – Like same as your product or your service name ) you have to do something which is to base all the rest of other SEO research off of.


  1. Study Your Competition

Study your competition, VidLyf.comLots of times many peoples were asking that which keyword your competition is using by easily snooping around your website. Which types of words or phrases were applied to their respective businesses or service? There is Hell a lot of keywords which you have to be aware of and especially when if your competition is beating you in the terms of SEO rankings. To make easy this thing you can simply use this tool Site Explorer. With the help of this tool, you can easily able to check that which website is ranking for which types of keywords.  By doing the competition research with the help of this tool on every competition on page one of the search results will give you a lot of information about particular different keywords, however. For the really targeted of the research and a solid foundation for the building of an SEO which you need to compete. You must look at the keywords results for a specific page on their websites and always prefer those which will perform the best.


  1. You Must Do Some Keyword Brainstorming

First, you have to sit down, particular or either with your team and brainstorm all the keywords which you think that can come from the ” Seeds “. Let me tell you that the word ” Brainstorming ” simply implies that everything which you think of is potentially a winner. You must try to get into the mind of your customer or an audience. You must have to see that what would they will be searching in order to find you? If they were pulling themselves into a Google or an Amazon search bars which will help you in getting the right mindset, do it. Think that what important will comes up to take a note on. If you have already a product or a business online for you then you must have to take some time to see that what you are already ranking it for. Which types of keywords you’re organically associated with? This thing will give you a good insight and will also help you in to continue to do your SEO research.


  1. Use The Available Research Tools

You don’t have to do more work than the requirement. There is no need to reinvent the wheel here. For every niche it doesn’t matter whether it is Google, Facebook, Amazon etc.., these all are the research tools which you can use to discover the keywords and all the other data for an SEO. Let me tell you that some of the research tools were free to use while some of them charge a particular fee. These all tools are invaluable and vital. These tools can literally take an hour of impossible research and deliver the results to you in seconds. If you have a budget to invest in this here then you must have to do this. These all tools will not make the research easier but on the other hand, they will also give you an edge over the competition as you can easily get a keywords ideas that will possibly be none of your competitors were using. Google Trends is a great free tool which you can easily use to help you in your SEO research.


  1. Plan Strategically For The Best ROI

At the end of your SEO research, you will be left with the hundreds and if not more keywords. And you shouldn’t use all of them. Instead of them, you can easily analyze your results and see that which one is giving you the best ROI ( Return On Investment ). And especially when you are paying for an advertising based on off of keywords [ Like CPA or CPM ads], but you have to make sure that you aren’t throwing your money down into the drain. Before you will choose the keywords on which you have to start advertising on you first must check out the competition. It’s also too competitive to risk? It is not competitive enough to get the results. You just need to be considered the ROI of every keyword in order to do the effective content marketing. If you are ranking for the keywords which will not give any money then they will be considered as pointless. For every keyword on which you have to advertise on needs to be targeted for a high traffic tough but not an impossible competition and the conversions.



These all tactics were worked amazing and if you will apply all these in the researching of the keywords for an SEO then you will get more benefits. If you really like this article then don’t forget to share this article on all your social mediums.

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