Do you Hesitate participating?

If you have ever been a part of a serious group discussion or some debate on a recent, burning hot topic — you will absolutely agree with me that people who were unable to express properly eventually stopped talking. Did they run out of information or was their knowledge incorrect? Maybe.

But, in such cases, mostly a person withdraws from actively participating when he or she feels that they lack the skills to communicate.

Skills to communicate don’t mean skills to talk or how to string a coherent sentence in English, Hindi or your mother tongue. It means the style or tricks that you apply while holding a conversation.

For instance, hand gestures while talking means that you are confident and expressive. When you maintain eye contact, it means you would like everyone to be involved in the discussion. And when you make a tiny joke, you imply that the discussion is just a little wordplay.

If you’re confused about what just went downhill while you tried your best to communicate,

Do try these tips:-

Tip 1

Firstly, communication means that you’re sending out messages through words and gestures. Follow this rule. Let your body talk while you run the mouth.

Tip 2

Be confident in your opinions. If you wish to, air them in front of everyone. Whether they were worthy of the discussion depends upon an individual. Not everyone loves Nutella, just saying!

Tip 3

When learning new communication skills, beat it and practice. It takes some time to pick up new tricks, find a friend or a group or friends and start out.

As mentioned earlier, make eye contact regularly. If there are more than two people, look at all of them while you make your point. You can do a clockwise or anti-clockwise motion of making eye contacts. This is crucial as it will let you know when your listener(s) has/have stopped following the subject matter. Also, it shows you are trying to build a relationship with them, leading to a successful discussion.

Tip 4

For better effectivity of conversation, use your hands and face for gestures. As the listener group gets bigger, your gestures should become more frequent. If necessary, put your entire body to use. For example, walk a little or shrug your shoulders or bend when having a good laugh. But, remember the rule — never send mixed signals. A nodding head while talking about some serious or negative thing doesn’t fit well.

Always keep the conversation positive and open. Accept others opinions without underestimating them. This affects your interaction and composure, a lot.

Holy Grail of communication is that it is two ways. Nobody likes a lecture or wants to be interrupted while saying something. Avoid wanting to blurt out your ideas at the very impulse.

Before we end this discussion, if there was anything you’d like to add to this, please do. Suit your needs and work towards a better discussion at workplace or college tomorrow!

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