Busy star Priyanka Chopra has finally zeroed in on her next Bollywood project. It is the Ali Abbas Zafar directed Bharat, which also stars Salman Khan and will be produced by Atul Agnihotri and Bhushan Kumar. “I’m looking forward to begin shooting this film and working with Salman and Ali again after a considerable time. I’ve learnt a lot from them in our previous collaborations and am excited to see what this one has to offer,” Priyanka said in a statement, reported news agency PTI. Salman Khan has consistently been booking the Eid slot for his film releases for a while now and Bharat will be no exception. It’s slated to hit screens on Eid next year.
This will be Priyanka Chopra’s first Bollywood film after 2016’s Jai Gangaajal. “I’m also looking forward to working with Alvira and Atul and the entire team of Bharat. To all my well-wishers who’ve been so patient and supportive, thank you for your constant support,” Priyanka added in her statement. Priyanka and Salman are co-stars of Mujhse Shaadi Karogi, Salaam-E-Ishq and God Tussi Great Ho.
Ali Abbas Zafar, who has previously directed Priyanka in Gunday, explained his decision to get her on board. “Priyanka is the biggest Indian artiste internationally and she is a perfect fit for the film. Priyanka brings in outstanding acting as well as incredible international appeal to make the scale of the film bigger and even more global,” he told PTI. Describing Priyanka’s character as “the catalyst at the film’s most important turning point”, he said: “We needed an actor who could portray this in the best possible way.” The director and producer met Priyanka in New York to brief her about the project and she instantly jumped on board.
Priyanka also made a blink-and-miss appearance recently in the trailer of A Kid Like Jake, her second Hollywood project. She made her Hollywood debut with last year’s Baywatchand also has her third international film Isn’t It Romantic? in the line-up.
Salman Khan, who recently got bail after the verdict on the blackbuck case, is also busy finishing the remaining portions of Remo D’Souza’s Race 3, co-starring Jacqueline Fernandez, Anil Kapoor, Daisy Shah, Bobby Deol and Saqib Salem.
Can’t wait to see Priyanka Chopra and Salman Khan together on screen !
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Garima is following her dream and now writes on various topics about health, fitness, food, lifestyle, technology, latest trend full-time. Her favorite quote:
“A beautiful face will age and a perfect body will change ,but a beautiful soul will always be beautiful..”
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