Common Types of Video Animation & Best Tools to Create Them

It is true that the video animations are gaining much more admiration from everyone these days, as compared to the past days. Video animations are used for various purposes in this day and age, from running promotional marketing campaigns to utilizing animated video for website, it is used in every field and industry. It is believed that the use of video animations in different industry has been proved as very beneficial as it has brought advantages to the industries in so many ways. With the help of the video animations, many companies have increased their conversion rates by engaging with their customer and deliver the knowledge or information about the company with extreme clarity and precision. SEO has also been improved with the use of animated video for website of the different online business.

Common Types of Video Animations

It is not like that only one kind of the animation has set the standard of the animated videos so high, but it is the collection of all types of the animations that have brought help for different industries in diverse ways.

The most basic types of video animations that are used by professionals for various purposes including,

  • 2D Video Animation
  • 3D Video Animation
  • 5 D Video Animation
  • Whiteboard Video Animation
  • Kinetic Typography


  1. 2D Video Animation

The 2D animated video is one of the broadly used techniques used by B2C or B2B companies to communicate with the audience, as it the reaction-drawing form of the animations, that’s been displayed with the help of illustrative images in motion.

  1. 3D Video Animation

3D video animation is a more well-regarded form of the video animations, and it used in almost every industry these days. It is factual to some extent that the usage of the 3D animated videos has suppressed the requirement of the 2D video animations to some level. It is not only an admired option for the entertainment industry but also plays a significant role in promoting a brand.

  1. 5 D Video Animation

It is one of the newest techniques adopted by many industries to provide a more exciting experience for the viewers to get entertained and grab important details out of it. 2.5D animations is indeed a very unique kind of the video animations that give the audience experience of both 2D and 3D animated environment, as all the objects and elements are designed in 2D, whereas all the animations and movements are performed in the 3D-like space.

  1. Whiteboard Video Animation

Whiteboard video animations are also preferred mostly by the B2C and B2B companies, as they are the perfect way to convey the information regarding any product, service, or processes with intense lucidity. It is easy for the animators to create the whiteboard video animations and also a trouble-free technique for the brands to grab the audience’s attention.

  1. Kinetic Typography

With the help of animating fonts, it is stress-free for the brands to express their idea to the audience with ease. It might sound such a simple technique, but it surely works so well. If appropriate style and size of the fonts have been used in the typography video, it will dwell nicely in the audience’s memory.

Popular Tools to Create Animated Videos

It sometimes becomes a big question to find perfect software or an online tool that can help the animators to create the perfect video animation. It often happens that the requirements of the animators do not meet the features of the software which could cause troubles for the animators to create the perfect animated video.

Beginner animators sometimes make mistakes in selecting the right tool or software to create the animated video. It is vital to choose the right software, which is only meant to create that specific kind of video.

Various online tools and software have been invented and categorized according to their expertise to create the perfect animated video. Let’s have a look at these software and online tools.

  1. 2D Animation Software
  • Adobe Animate
  • Synfig Studio
  • Pencil 2D
  • TupiTube
  • Toonz
  • TVPaint Animation


  1. 3D Animation Software
  • Autodesk 3Ds Max
  • Autodesk 3D Maya
  • Cinema 4D
  • Houdini
  • iClone
  • Blender
  • Autodesk MotionBuilder
  • Daz 3D


  1. Online Animation Tools
  • Renderforest
  • Moovly
  • Animatron
  • Powtoon
  • Animaker
  • GoAnimate
  • Prezi
  • Toon Boom

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