Best Tips for Bike Maintenance

Any automobile needs timely care and maintenance, and a bike is no exception to this rule. It is advisable to visit service station on due intervals.

Any automobile needs timely care and maintenance, and a bike is no exception to this rule. It is advisable to visit service station on due intervals. Apart from visiting the service station, it is also essential to have some basic knowledge regarding bike care and maintenance. Every owner must be aware of the basic tips and tricks to take care of their bike in an appropriate manner. These tips will not only help the owner to maintain the proper health of their vehicle but also help to troubleshoot problems in case of an emergency. The benefits are not just limited to better vehicle performance, but they will also save a lot of time and money for the owner.


Learn to use tyre replacement kit.

Every vehicle is equipped with a toolbox. Every rider should have a basic knowledge of using tyre replacement kit in case of a puncture or a bad tyre. Long trip bikers should ensure that they carry an extra tyre in their troop to face any emergency concerning puncture or damage in the wheel. Bike owners can buy two wheeler tyre online according to their bike model. One not only can buy bike tyre online, but also they can buy cleaning liquids and other protection accessories over the internet.


Use clutch properly:

Many riders have a misconception regarding the function of the clutch in a bike. The purpose of the clutch is that it should be used only during changing of gears of the vehicles. However many riders half press the clutch while riding the vehicle. This inappropriate practice can damage the clutch plate and may ask for an early replacement even before the standard service period.


Lube the chain at regular intervals

Chain is one of most important part in a two-wheeler. Therefore, it is essential to take proper care of the chain to maintain the excellent performance of the vehicle. The chain should be neither too tight nor too loose. Additionally, it is essential to lubricate the chain once a week to prolong its service life.


Keep engine oil and air pressure in check

The level of engine oil should be checked at regular intervals. It most of the bikes an indicator to display the level of engine oil is present. It suggests replacing the engine oil if it falls below the necessary levels. Additionally, it should be changed after every 3000 to 5000 km. At the same time, it is advisable to check the air pressure of vehicles tires at regular intervals. It is advisable to check it once or twice in a month.

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