Best Hong Kong Street Food and Relaxation Spots

Hong Kong is known for the street food and relaxation spots but to choose from so many options can be very tiring, so here are some of the best ones.

Everybody would love to eat some nice food in a clean environment and at an affordable price. Hong Kong is the best home to most exciting street food in the world. Hong Kong offers clean or safe to use, sweet and affordable meals which allows people of all social categories access these meals.

Best Hong Kong street food and the spots to find them:

1. Egg Tarts

They are prepared in Hong Kong are utterly delicious, and creamy. They have a glassy surface which is smooth with an oozing yellow thick layer. They are sweet when served immediately from the oven. They can be bought at Belcher’s Street in Kennedy Town, in the Western District in Hong Kong.

2. Cheung Fun

They can also be called rice noodle roll. It is served as breakfast or lunch meals. It is prepared by rolling rice to form a long, cylinder-shaped which is silky and it is filled with Chinese BBQ pork which is put between the layers. It is then coated with sesame paste, soy sauce, roasted sesame, and hoisin. It can finally be added some chilly on it. They are sold at Fat Kee 67, Kin Yip Street, Yuen Long, 2474-2201.

3. Siu Mai

It is a juicy minced pork or fish which is wrapped in a wrapper which is bright yellow in color. They are usually served five at a time and can be served on a clean stick. They are readily available at Hop Yik Tai, G/F, 121 Kweilin Street, Sham Shui Po, in Hong Kong.

4. Pineapple Buns

These are types of bun made with a shape of a pineapple on the top. They are composed of flour, eggs, water, and milk and can be eaten as breakfast. They can be bought at Kam Wah Café which is at 47 Bute Street, Prince Edward in Hong Kong.

5. Curry-Fish Balls

They are soft golden morsels which are prepared by minced meat plus a taste almost that of Japanese Takoyaki. Some chili is added to it and is best eaten at lunchtime. They are bought at Tung Tat Food-Shop in G/F 172 Yuen-Street, Mong Kok.

Best Relaxation Spots in Hong Kong

After hustling and bustling throughout the day in the city, you need some quiet place where you can relieve your minds are relax your body from all that fatigue. Hong Kong has places where people go to relax. These places include:

1. Tsz Shan Monastery

It is a Chinese Buddhist located in Tung Tsz in Tai which has got peaceful grounds with calm and beautiful surroundings. It is cool and less crowd less hence providing the best relaxation ever.

2. Cyberport Waterfront Park

It is found in the Southern District of Hong Kong Island. It is not always overcrowded because there is a metro station in the nearby environment. It is quiet and peaceful, especially on weekdays. It is one of the green largest areas open by the government to the public.

3. Tap Mun (Grass Island)

This is an island inhabited by at most 100 people and is therefore free of crowds. It has a breathtaking and beautiful landscape which offers good scenery for relaxation.

4. Sunny Paradise

This massage studio is located in Lockhart Road, Wanchai. Sunny Paradise is one of the best Hong Kong massage premises which deals with body and foot massage at an affordable price with quality services.

5. Victoria Peak Garden

This garden is well manicured for relaxation and cool fresh air. The garden has stunning views of the beautiful cities in Hong Kong.

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